
Looking for “Braces Dentist Near Me”?

Braces and Invisalign Orthodontics Near You at Shoreham Dental

A "Braces Dentist Near Me" You Can Trust For a Beautiful Smile

Doctor Nosente Bollo-Kamara and the team of Shoreham Dental Clinic, welcomes you. Over 25 years of clinical dental experience in family and cosmetic dentistry, has fueled our passion and dedication to quality, caring and comfortable dentistry near you. A commitment to continuous improvement has resulted in post graduate training in orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics and laser dentistry.

Our quality orthodontic services give children and adults the opportunity to create a broad, beautiful and healthy smile.

Looking for “Braces Dentist Near Me”?

"Braces Near Me" for a Beautiful Smile

Shoreham Dental Clinic’s team offers you a large variety of orthodontic options including braces and invisible aligners.
Poorly aligned jaws, thumb-sucking, crowded and missing teeth, crooked, malocclusion, or traumatic injury… Different elements can cause teeth to become misaligned.

However, we have a highly successful method of dental realignment : orthodontic treatment with braces!

Top  Benefits of Orthodontic (Braces) Treatment

  • Improved ability to chew food
  • Improved speech ability
  • Teeth that are Easier to brush, clean and floss
  • Reduced cavities and periodontal disease
  • Reduced grinding and chipping of teeth
  • Reduced risk of injury from protruding teeth


The application of braces moves the teeth as a result of force and pressure on the teeth. Braces have constant pressure which, over time, move teeth into the desired positions.

Come visit us and we will find the right treatment for you to enjoy a beautiful smile.

Invisalign "Braces Near Me" for Teens and Adults

The Invisible Orthodontic Advantage

Sure, there are other options out there for straightening your teeth, but none offers the level of comfort, convenience and confidence that you’ll find with Invisalign®. And no matter what stage you’re at in life, you’ll appreciate how our cutting-edge approach to orthodontic treatment at Shoreham Dental has minimal interference in how you live, but has a significant positive impact on how you look and feel about yourself.

Looking for “Braces Dentist Near Me”?

Ask us about braces or Invisalign orthodontics. Visit or call us.

Visit Us Safely at Our North York and
Brampton Dental Offices for an FREE Orthodontic Consultation! We Remain Open During the Lockdown

At Shoreham Dental, the health and safety of our patients and staff has always been our top priority. Indeed, we have implemented several measures to allow us to safely provide your treatment.

Contact Us to Make an Appointment Today!